October 15, 2008

The Beginning

Welcome, my friend!

This blog has actually existed quite a long time, but until now there've been no real contents. The fact can be explained by the writer's hesitation, mine. I considered several times whether I should start this blog or not. I did have two purposes; Both of which eventually gave me the sufficient motivation to begin.
The main reason for all of this is the urge of sharing my thoughts related to music, movies and stuff like that. As I rarely have an opportunity to talk about these subject with another person, the second-best way to satisfy my need of discussion is to write a comprehended article or a review about the designated matter.
The other triggering aspect is my will to practise my English. As one can manifest, my english is far from perfect and needs improving. Although it may occasionally appear as if I spoke English well, it only implies I have used the dictionary a lot ;p Indeed, the possibility of using sophisticated phrases and difficult expressions is one reason why I decided to write this blog in English instead of Finnish.

Moreover(*warning note* you'll see me use this kind of phrases quite often) I figured that my blog would have larger audience if I wrote it by using English. That's very likely to be true, since I doubt there would have ever been more than 5 people reading this if I had kept the Finnish language.
Sure, writing in Finnish would be a lot more easier for me and I could say exactly what I want without spending dozens of seconds while trying to remember a single word. Now, I have to be more careful when writing and make effort to find all possible grammar mistakes. You, the reader, should also be mindful of this unpleasant fact. I hope you don't mind even if you keep seeing mistakes everywhere. At the beginning, while I'm still trying to adopt the writing rhytm, we must all just tolerate the spelling mistakes. I try to do my best, but can't promise anything.

However, I assume my decision not to use Finnish will be paid off. After constant blogging, and accompanied by current English teaching in the university, it shouldn't take long until the quality of the text is close to decent.

This was only a some sort of prolog, as one could describe it. But soon, and I'm talking about days, not weeks, compeltely new material will be added here including my first review of the...well, I'll keep that secret. See you next time ;)

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